Stay in Touch With CSLB
Remember to include your email address, or update it, when submitting your license renewal form every two years, or when you submit an Application to Change Business Name or Address.
Providing CSLB with your email address allows you to participate in surveys that are used to update licensing examinations in your specific trade. Occupational analysis surveys are developed for each trade every five years. CSLB has been using the online tool SurveyMonkey™ to administer most of these questionnaires. Using email surveys helps CSLB save time, reduce costs, and operate in a more environmentally friendly fashion. Your email is not shared with any third party, nor does it become public record.
Providing your email address on your renewal or change form also enables you to automatically receive the board's quarterly newsletters and other important information CSLB issues through industry bulletins, news releases, or meeting notices. You also can sign up to receive these communications through CSLB's online Email Alerts feature.
Remember, CSLB must have your current email address to send surveys, electronic correspondence, and important license-related communications. It is your responsibility to keep all of your contact information current with CSLB; CSLB cannot change any of your contact information without the change form identified above.